Tag Archives: Wakefield wildlife

Hornet mimic hoverfly

Over the past two years we have been noticing a new visitor to the area – the rather splendid hornet mimic hoverfly (Volucella zonaria). This is the UK’s largest hoverfly at almost 2cm long, and, as its name suggests, it … Continue reading

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An impressive family gathering of a botanical nature.

The faded and fallen blooms of summer, together with the current abundance of wayside seed and fruit suggests autumn is already upon us. However, on 4th September a visit to the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust nature reserve at Ledsham Bank revealed … Continue reading

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Field Meeting at Wintersett

Our May outing, although a little later in the month than usual, saw a small group of members walking around Wintersett reservoir today. Wintersett is best known for its bird life and is a very well watched patch and it … Continue reading

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A chance encounter with roe deer

Roger Gaynor was at Fairburn Ings recently and had a super close encounter with roe deer judging from his photo. Roger says ” I called into Fairburn Ings early this morning before it was busy which paid off with good … Continue reading

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Frog Frenzy

This week spring has certainly sprung with frogs croaking, swirling and spawning in a fevered frenzy in the margins of a local pond. Also, nearby goat willow (pussy willow) are in flower. Botanically these trees are known as dioecious plants … Continue reading

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Teetering on the brim of spring

The recent snow and ice has melted revealing a drab field layer of razed and decaying undergrowth.  Despite the same seasonal hardships some neighbouring plants are now teetering on the brim of spring  pushing their new infant green shoots upwards … Continue reading

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Big Garden Birdwatch 2021

The days of grey skies, ice packed ponds and blankets of snow, together with storm Christoph during this January have been enough to make us all shiver and seek refuge.   However, this coming weekend 29th to 31st January there is … Continue reading

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An apple a day helps to keep the hunger away for winter birds

Some wildlife followers may see winter as a season of relative emptiness and in some ways a time that is almost unused by nature itself.  To others the return of falling snow and ice over the past few days may … Continue reading

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Misty morning and glimmers of hope for nature conservation

Today during my regular lockdown walk the early morning mist added another visual permutation to a now very familiar landscape.  A background of electricity pylons and other urban paraphernalia, together with the busy M1 motorway were magically masked away.  Suddenly … Continue reading

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Little Egret in Wrenthorpe

At a recent meeting of Wakefield Camera Club, I was asked to identify a bird seen perched in a tree at the bottom of a garden in Wrenthorpe. Expecting a jay, as this is the bird that most often crops … Continue reading

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